Stranger Danger

victoria • 24 • boy mom

Hey mamas! My son just turned 5 months old and he now has the dreaded fear of “strangers”. I learnt about it in college so i knew it was coming, but i’m at a loss on what to do to help him realize he’s okay. Even when me or my bf are there & its people he sees once or twice a week for 1 to 3 hours (we live in a different town than the rest of our family so it’s hard to have someone see him everyday or so) he still cries and screams almost inconsolably. He will smile at first but then the crying starts & it’s so hard to get him to calm down. There’s days i need to leave him with one of the grandparents but he just freaks the whole time so it makes it difficult to run errands without rushing to get back to him.

What can i do to help him feel safe with people other than us when he still cries if we are around & it’s not possible to have him around different people everyday? 😞