Wanting a divorce will leave me homeless

I honestly do not know what to do but first things first I’ll just give you guys some background info..I met my husband when I was young (20 yrs), he was already divorced (he’s 11 years older than me) and was active duty in the military. I was working, living with my parents and doing what I needed to be doing at that age Yk? So I meet him we fall fast, on the week of my 22nd birthday we get married and that’s when all hell broke loose. Ever since we got married it’s been one issue after the other, I moved my whole life around to be with him. I left my friends and family and moved down south to be with him, tried to help him pay down his debt all while putting myself in debt, tried working but he always “forgot” to pick me up from work so I was always left stranded so I just stopped working (stupidest thing I’ve ever done)..I took years of verbal abuse from his mother and side eyes from his family (thanks to his mother).. and him..oh yes he would let his friends call me out of my name and won’t defend me when they say little racist things knowing that he is white and I am black..he makes huge messes that he won’t clean and he expects me to clean..huge messes like urine and poop on the toilets and walls, contour mat. Shaved hair from his actual head all on the bathroom floor. Messes over messes that require a deep clean. I cant keep up with it anymore. Either way it is not the way to live. Sooo many other things have went down in my marriage but moving across the country made it worse and brought me to this post right now. I was trying to make some money so I can leave him but the money I make literally goes to survival since I can barely afford to put groceries in our house or gas in the car.. I’m in a bind because I am EXTREMELY unhappy. Like I don’t wanna live like this so when I called my mother to tell her that I just can’t do it she literally tells me “if you leave him you can’t stay here”.. my own mother. The #1 person that didn’t want me marrying him in the first place isn’t willing to help me in my time of need. So I want a divorce to be happy and move on with my life but I can’t because I’ll be homeless. I don’t have anyone else to stay with there are no other options. My own siblings won’t help me.