Birth control to aid in TTC

Danielle • Happily married to my soldier. Trying to conceive baby #1 :)
I just started birth control this month in hopes to regulate my irregular "periods" (random episodes ranging from brown or even pink/red spotting to heavy bleeding with huge clots- all in all very abnormal.) I am doing this in order to conceive. I have 3 months worth of pills and am currently on my first birth control induced 7 day period. My question is, is 3 months time enough to fix my cycles and give my reproductive system the boost it needs to conceive? Like, can I begin trying after the 3rd pack is done and be successful, or does it generally take longer? Also, women who have used birth control for similar reasons, how long after stopping the pill did you get your next period/ovulate/conceive? (Answer whatever applies to your situation)