
1dpo-EWCM ,slight headache,

2dpo- EWCM, heavy eyelids, tired didn’t want to move off the couch

3dpo- dry cm , fatigued, still very tired

4dpo- no CM AT ALL JUST DRY, Felt lightheaded ,

5dpo- WHITE thick CM, felt angry about anything, my 9 month old very clingy, no headaches today still a little fatigued

6dpo- CREAMY CM SAME FROM YESTERDAY, had to wear pantyliner , feeling okay today much better than yesterday

7dpo- very vivid dreams, this day multiple dreams Felt like I was in a movie, Dry AND STICKY CM

8dpo- no CM ,FELT NAUSEOUS , I don’t know if this is related but I called my best friend for advice on something not pertaining to pregnancy and when I called her she said she had a dream that I called to tell her I was pregnant🤭 decided to take a pregnancy test after that BFN On FRER

9-dpo , EWCM AGAIN, neg ovulation test, really tired, got a vvv faint line on FRER

10-dpo -I had a nosebleed and I never get nosebleeds unless I’m pregnant I had a very bad with my daughter also I had a toothache and I rarely get to things only when I’m pregnant because the embryo takes a lot of calcium from your body so I Took another test and BFP!!

I really hope this was helpful for anyone during the two-week week! BABY DUST TO ALL TTC