Why does my EDD based on CRL not match the gestational age according to my ultrasound?


Yesterday I had some spotting and was advised by my OB to go to the ER, where I was given my first ultrasound to confirm that everything looked okay. My LMP was 12/18 (definite), which would have made me 6w4d yesterday (although I have shorter cycles so Glow had added an extra day, based on when I ovulated), but little bean was measuring at 7w1d (7mm, with a heart rate of 136bpm). On the report they gave me it lists my EDD based on CRL as 9/24/22, but this is the same EDD I had based on my LMP, and if the date is based on the measurements taken from the ultrasound which had little bean measuring several days ahead, shouldn’t it be something like 9/20 instead? This is my first pregnancy so I’m not super confident in my understand of how the measurements and estimates work