Cord issues

Brittnie • I`ve been TTC since Dec. 2011 with no luck. I`ve done a year of fertility Meds and still nothing. Hoping this helps :)
We went 3 weeks ago for our normal monthly high risk ultrasound and found out that little boys cord was not working properly. The way the dr describe it was it was like blowing through a straw that's being pinched, you get air through it but it's not as much as you should. They said depending on how it looked in 2/3 weeks they may start me on steroid shots to help speed up lung development. Well we went back yesterday and now both baby boy and baby girls cords are "pinched" and on top of that my cervix is thinning and shortening. I had my first steroid shot yesterday and will get my second today. We go back in 2 weeks to recheck and see if anything has changed mainly with my cervix because babies even though their cords aren't working great seem to be doing fine both have gained 1lbs since our last ultrasound. I'm nervous and scared and just looking to see if anyone has dealt with this issue and how things turned out. Thank you in advance. Oh and I'm 30 weeks today 💙💗