Help me become a mommy pls!♥️


I have been trying to get pregnant for 7+ months now. I have tried almost everything I know to try. My husband is in perfect health. I however, do have crhons disease, Crohnicgranulomes, ovarian cysts, multiple autoimmune diseases, low iron, endometriosis…and I am borderline diabetic. However every female in my family was cursed with sicknesses much like mine and were still able to have a handful of babies. I have had a total of three failed pregnancies since beginning to try for a baby over 7 months ago. If you know of anything I could possibly try to help me to conceive. Please help a girl out! It’s hard to explain it…but I feel so helpless right now. Everyone I know is getting pregnant, having a baby, adopting a baby. And I’m having trouble doing any of the three!