Looking for advice (birth control/pregnancy)


Long story short, I missed 2 pills on 2 days and had intercourse on those days, I got back on track with my pills and took 2 tests on day 7 & 8 after intercourse and both negative. (Very early I know)

I continued the pills but decided to stop taking them a few days later which I then proceeded to have unprotected sex again… I understand it’s unlikely I’ll be pregnant due to being on the pill for the past 3 years and just forgetting 2 then stopping them.

Today is my 4th day off the pill, since the 2nd day I’ve had slight bleeding and today had a lot of pain with bleeding.

Is it likely I could still be pregnant and it’s too early to show? Or is the fact I’m having the “withdrawal bleeding” from stopping the pill proof that I’m definetly not pregnant? I just want to stop overthinking and worrying and know what’s going on really.