Trouble 2’s


So we hit the trouble 2’s hard.

It’s my first child so idk if it’s normal or not or how to act.

My son lately just refuses everything .

Doesn’t want to take off his pajama in the morning.

Doesn’t want to get dressed.

Refused to wear a jacket.

Doesn’t want to undress to go in the shower.

Refused to leave the shower.

Refused to get dressed after the shower.

All of the above are followed with screaming and crying like crazy ! Also I have to tickle him to get his clothes off because he’s so strong and I god forbid don’t want ti twist his arms by accident so that’s the only way he stops fighting .

I see pictures from daycare he’s having a blast , wearing a jacket on their breaks , also when I pick him up from school is on his best behavior, the teachers say that’s he’s the best child in class always listening and happy.

The second we get home - the monster shows up 😂😂

It’s extremely exhausting !! I am the one to handle with all of this because my husband has 0 patience and I hate when he’s with him - he loses his cool and starts screaming and I hate that! I don’t think it’s helping the situation !

Usually when he has a tantrum I try to calm him down , distract him , tell him I understand that he wants X but right now we can’t because of Y but he’s just keeping his tantrum , super stubborn and nothing I do make him forget what he wanted in the first place .

What else can I do? Is this even normal to have such behavior on a daily basis?! It started a month ago and I just don’t recognize my sweet child anymore 😭