🤔 PCOS, BC, Pre/Pro Biotocs, Early Period??


So, here's the deal. (And this is primarily for those who have PCOS, use BC and have experienced a similar situation to the following.) I've been on annovera (ring) for 15 months now. It took about the first 5 to adjust and have a monthly period. Near the end of last year, I finally noticed I was adjusting to having one every two months. (Goal being 3-ish). And I just "induced" my period the second week of January, which lasted a week.

However, I've been light bleeding (just enough for a light tampon, sometimes a regular) for about two weeks now. Essentially as if I'm back to a period every month, but the period lasting longer than it should.

Fortunately, there's nothing abnormal about the period itself for me (like bad cramps or whatnot, thank goodness), except the timing -- the fact that its sooner than it should be, considering I'm already sufficiently adjusted to this particular medication.

But like I said, it shouldn't be happening this soon at all... which suggests that something significant has happened. And as far as I'm aware, there hasn't been a significant dietary, or life, change that would cause such a thing, even on BC... except that I decided to try some pre/pro biotics about two weeks ago (just before this abnormally-timed period started 🤔.)

I tried this stuff, based on an article (one of those science journal things) I happened to come across that suggested pre/pro biotics and Vitmain D could help improve conditions for those with PCOS. And, I hadn't done anything pre/pro biotics-wise (when I should have) after having antibiotics for pneumonia due to having COVID last September. (Covid, btw, didn't affect my period then either.) 

I've since stopped the pre/pro biotics (about 3 days now, and have had only 2 weeks of it) since that was the only thing I know changed, and figured it might be the cause.

Have any of you experienced something like this? And are there any suggestions to getting it to stop? I mean... two weeks now... I'm running out of tampons! 😅(kidding)😅 

(I've already sent a note to my Dr. about this as well, btw.)