“Here’s why I’ll be keeping my shoes on in your shoeless home”


I came across this WSJ article recently about a woman who refuses to remove her shoes when in someone else’s home. Her reasoning is fairly simple- she thinks her shoes are cleaner than people’s floors.

Science will tell us she’s wrong. Most shoes that are worn outside, into stores, or into public restrooms carry bacteria such as E.coli on their bottoms.

Removing shoes before coming inside is also not a new practice... it dates back centuries and is quite cultural in homes of POC, mainly Asian households. Growing up with a mother from Thailand, I can assure you, we do not set a toe inside with a shoe on!

Of course, Twitter does what it does best, and the author of the WSJ article was fairly dragged.

What are your thoughts? If you keep a shoeless home and a guest refused to take their shoes off, would you refuse them entry? Do you think the author of the WSJ article has any merit to her beliefs?