Desperate help please


Ladies. I’m at the point where I cry when my baby finally falls asleep. For the last 2 weeks or so it’s been impossible to catch on to my LO’s tired cues. Or when I do yes too late. These last couple of weeks he’s been overtired almost EVERYDAY! Because I can’t seem to nip his first naps in the butt which results to him being overtired for the day. No matter what I do!!! Shorten wake windows or leave them alone and just follow his cues. It’s extremely hard bc he gets tired so quickly it’s hard to catch. I’ve been a wreck, he’s 4 months old but I believe he already went through the regression a couple of weeks ago so I know it’s not that. But I’ve been crying none stop bc I know he needs his sleep and he’s not freaking getting it. I don’t know what to do moms please help me my baby get back on track