
What would you say to your husband when you mention to him that all he does is lay around. ( he works 4 days 8 hour shifts) when he is off his 3 days he won't do anything and he is supposed to be remolding our home.. We have had it almost two years and it still isn't ready to paint. Its simple work. Sheet rock and stuff. He knows how to do. But he just lays around... He has slept more than 35 hours in the last 3 days. And all he has to say is he is entitled to lay around... Really!?! When I work 24/7 cleaning after you and getting everything you want handed to you by me and basically being a single parent to our 3 year old, oh And feeding you and growing a new tiny human... But when I was working I still had to do everything. I didn't feel entitled to just lay around because I had a job.