
Anyone know how to convince there husband into having a baby soon. I don’t wanna buy anything new I’d love to get stuff pre loved cause it’s the cheapest way to get what I actually want. I cloth diapers and breastfeeding so that’s takes diapers, wipes,and formula out and we are a military family so I get a breast pump for free and supplies are free too. Only things I wanna buy new are pacifiers, bottles,and maybe some little things I wanna buy new.. and of course gifts. I already have all the diapers and wipes. We really don’t need much cause I still have most of the gender neutral stuff from my first pregnancy and my first baby cause I knew if I got rid of it I’d need it. My husband things it’s gonna be expensive but military comes doctor and hospital visits. He wants to but new but it’s not logical for something they will only use for up to 2 years and it would just sit in storage until we decide to have another one.. my first baby is 4 will be 5 in November and I think they age gap is perfect my daughter doesn’t most everything she need of then making her own food of course and little things she needs help with. I’m a stay at home mom at the moment and I think it’s the perfect time but he also is thinking about re-enlisting which is still perfect cause I’m 1 year and some months we will either be moving to Florida or to somewhere else in the world. Which we could up grade to something bigger but right now our apartment is still big enough to put a baby in the room with us or my 4 year old could share for 6 or so months.. if I get pregnant before we move but I don’t wanna be pregnant and flying cross country or across the world. Am I being ridiculous? Be honest please I don’t get offended easy…