Language regression?


I may be too worried, but just need to bounce this off some others.

My 19 m old seems to be regressing in language? He used to say mama, Dada, lala, ba, hi, etc around 13/14 mo and then stopped. Baby came out around 17 m, but hasn't consistently in a while.

After his 18 m appt, our pediatrician wasn't concerned with where he was and said we just likely aren't challenging him because we know what he is trying to say without him saying it.

Problem is, now he is no where near where he was a month ago.

He also used to look when we told him to, understood no and down, come when we said "Come here", give toys/etc... Now it's like we are talking to air. He still responds to his name (turns and smiles), so I know he hasn't lost his hearing ... But we can't get him to focus on any one thing or redirect him anymore.

It's like he just stopped trying to talk and ignores us, so all our attempts to work on his language are going in one ear and out the other. We've completely removed screen time so he isn't distracted by TV, he is literally just ignoring us.

He is still babbling to himself nonstop and sometimes in response to us, points to things he wants/wants us to see, puts things in our hands to ask for help (like a toy that needs to be turned on or his cup for a drink). He recently learned how to sort by color.

I just feel so defeated and am worried about the fact he seems to be going backward instead of forward. I've tried books (he likes them but he won't give me a chance to read them), narrating everything we do, promoting him with choices... Nothing works.

Am I alone in this?