Breastmilk Amount Help.


Hi moms! This question is for moms who are currently or have breastfed. Currently, my son is almost 4 months old. I am breastfeeding once a day, then feeding him breastmilk via bottle for the other feeds due to my work schedule. I pump 560ml, or 18.9oz a day. However, he’s currently eating that exact amount. I am pumping every 3-4 hours, hydrating with extreme amounts of water, oatmilk, and eating oatmeal, flax, chia, and kept my pre natals, my caffeine levels are 200mg per day, no alcohol. He sleeps 11hrs so I don’t see the point in pumping in the middle of the night if I can now get sleep. I know it can help but I’ve seen moms get a good supply without night pumping so I want to try everything else first before losing my 8-9hrs of sleep. You all know how rare it is to get that amount of sleep with a newborn. LOL. I’ve tried power pumping but my supply seems at a stand still. My fridge supply went down because I was sick last week and my supply went down and only is now at 500ml a day. I need 560ml minimum to equal out. Are there any other methods of pumping specifically or other I can do? Thank you :)