Fed up

My 10 year old sister keeps breaking my shit because she’s angry towards me. She has homework so I told her hey if you have homework get started if you need help with it I’m right here alright she rolled her eyes and left and when I went to check and see if she needed any help I noticed she ripped the lash band off the eyelids of my manikin because she was mad at me for telling her to do my homework. This isn’t the first time she’s done something like this either. She got mad at me another time and took my abh eyebrow powder and crushed it up along with breaking my double ended abh eyebrow brush . The last time I told my mom and she just said “hey hon that isn’t ok to do say sorry” but this is yet another occurrence of hers . It’s simply not ok and I’m so fed up with her getting angry and breaking my shit and my parents just say “oh we’ll talk to her” but she keeps doing it. She isn’t allowed in my room yet she keeps miraculously grabbing my things and breaking them when she gets mad for me telling her to shower or do her homework. Wtf do I do ??? In need of some advice because I’m trying to keep my cool and refrain from going in her room and breaking her shit because I know it’s wrong but my god what do I do ?

Edit : no I’m not her mother but since both my parents work I’m with her and they tell me to relay the message I’m not breathing down her neck either by asking if she needs help. The reason I went to check if she needed help wasn’t to be an ass it’s because she doesn’t like to ask so if she’s struggling she will sit there all day with nothing done then get stressed that she doesn’t have her work done for the next day but when I got to offer her help on my own accord she admits she needs help and shows me the problems she was stuck on and we solve them together. I’m cooled off now I know it’s a sister thing but I hope she grows out of it until then I talked to my parents and they agreed on getting me a lock this weekend so thank you guys for the helpful advice .