I feel like my mother doesn’t try to make an effort in meeting my daughter

So this is the deal. My husband and myself are military. My husband(at the time, boyfriend) had orders to be stationed overseas for almost two years before moving, and I had talked about this with my mother. The big move was known for some TIME.I had explained to her that eventually I would be living overseas as well because him and I were already talking about getting married in the then,

near future.

October 2020 we got engaged, December 2020 we were married, March 2021 positive pregnancy test. Yes we got busy fast😅 anyway by that following may I was already living overseas. A complicated pregnancy and 3 months later after my daughter was born and my mother continues to give me the run around. Continues to say she can’t wait to meet my baby but does not bother to lift one finger to look for plane tickets. And never mentions actually coming, only wanting to meet her. An empty promise each time.

If I see a ticket at a good price I will show her and she’ll be like yes Mija keep looking for good deals and I’ll spend the day looking for the best thing for her because she is ANAL on her travel here. Only for her to come up with an extremely stupid reason why she can’t, for example today she said she doesn’t want her neighbor to know she’s leaving the country for some time…

With time, tickets have been round trip as low as 400 bucks, damn near free for how far I am. But when I send her a ticket she’ll be like what about for the end of this month and acts surprised when the ticket is over 3k then says it’s too expensive. There’s so much more but ugh it’s so annoying and honestly depressing. My MIL comes what feels like every weekend, difference is she plans ahead. My mother wants everything done for her. I didn’t have my mother through my hell of my pregnancy and my daughters birth, my recovery, it saddens me and feels like she truly doesn’t care

Update: I have expressed countless times how she makes me feel. She always says the same excuses she constantly gives