I need help…


Sorry for the long read….

I just turned 21 and I’m pregnant.. me and my boyfriend have dated for almost a year and at first it was okay when we first started dating I was previously talking to someone else(bad on my part) I sent this person inappropriate pictures and then me and my boyfriend started dating it was only a week after that, he saw the messages and pictures and got angry I don’t blame him but still…. He has developed anger issues and he has blocked every guy on all social media platforms he always looks through my phone everyday as well. I’ve never seen him like this before considering we were best friends for 10 years..

he doesn’t hit me but when we argue he yells at the top of his lungs and punches doors, walls, etc. He always blames me the reason why he’s like this and constantly finds something to get mad at me about even if it was before we were dating, anyways I’m saying this because 20 minutes ago I came back from getting a prenatal check up and he sent me a screenshot that he took of my location not showing and I turned it on right away but because I didn’t answer fast enough because I was talking to the nurse he got upset, I proceeded with my check up and went home and didn’t talk to him right away he then got mad and I clarified why I didn’t greet him as I home and he got angry again and started yelling saying it’s one sided, (I’m not innocent I ask him where he is too) he then tells me I’m ungrateful and I’m a piece of work and that I don’t listen he then says,

“am I asking for to much, no maybe I’m just looking for it in the wrong person.”

I politely ask him to leave the room to cool off and he proceeds to break my fan and punch yet another hole in my door and throws my chair and breaks it, he punched the door and literally walks towards me and yells in my face I got so scared I thought he was going to hit me. I told him to leave that I don’t want to talk as he is scaring me and he says no, so I was going to leave he starts crying and saying sorry over and over and I tell him that I thought he was going to hit me and he said,

“why would you think that I would never hit you”

I just simply told him just because you didn’t actually hit me you still physically punched something that’s just as bad because if he really wanted too he would’ve hit me when he charged at me but he stopped himself.. I guess all I’m saying is I don’t know what to do and would appreciate if anyone has dealt with this and what they did.. again so for the long read…