Feeling pressured

Went to My ob for check up, he asked if I was going to want another csection (first was an emergency) I said I wanted to try for a vbac, his reaction took me off guard, he than Said you should really think about it, its easier faster and you'll be able to pick date and time, I then said I would talk with my husband (still wanting a vbac) he then cuts me off and says perfect I will put in the note that you are considering a csection. I see four different obgyn (office policy so each one knows the patient incase I go into labor any one who is on call can deliver my baby). This is the same man who made a comment during labor today (Two years ago) cause I went back 10 hours after being sent home for stronger and more close together contractions, I heard him tell the nurse " she's here again? Just admit her women like her just keep coming " (mind you I was High risk my whole pregnancy). I mentioned his comment at my meeting and he giggled and smirked and said you must've kept coming in and continue to say see you in a month. And left. I don't think I want this man as my Dr. But can't request another if he happens to be the Dr on call the day I go into labor.