I'm in a dilemma and I need some opinions

Natalie • 25|| Married to my best friend♥️|| Elijah 3/19 ♥️ Baby #2 11/22 || Born-again Christian||

So, basically the OB that delivered my son three years ago no longer does deliveries. I have an OB up by my parents that I got set up when I lived with them during my husband's year deployment. This Ob is just out of this world and is AMAZING. I'm 4 weeks right now and my first appt is April 27th as that was the earliest I could get in. So...almost 11 weeks. Anyways, love them. I have friends that see them. They're choice friendly and, don't push unnecessary interventions etc etc. However my dilemma is this...we are now an hour and a half away from them since we live on post. So...do I keep them and take the risk of staying with my parents that last month and maybe not have my husband make it in time lol. Or...do I call the OBS around town and try and get in with them or go the midwife route? The OB near me that I would most likely switch to I've heard great things. However they are booked out till almost the second trimester. So...give me y'all's opinion.