Preterm or not

Zaria • Boy mom💙

Hi so about 2 weeks ago i was having what seem to be braxton hicks back to back and i went into labor and delivery and they i could be a yeast infection and put me on antibiotics and they lessened but didn't stop then last night same thing and they were about less than 5 minutes apart so i decided to go back in and after 3 doses of medication to stop the contractions they continued then they gave me 2 pills for the same thing and they still continue then they said it could be a uti and put me on antibiotics before discharging me but when i went 2 weeks ago (26 weeks) me cervix was 3.8 and yesterday (28 weeks) 2.6 and as of now having what seems to be braxton hicks back to back once again so i'm not sure if i should i go again or wait to see my ob