Pregnancy is going crazy

starr • blessed and loved 💞😍😘 23 ♐

I’m 22 weeks 6 days having the worst back pains all day an night barely sleep cuz I toss n turn all night

on top of that my 1 year old son has been all clingy recently I remember when he use to just want to be under his dad 24/7 attached to him like glue now since I been pregnant

it’s been non stop screaming n crying to be under me on me in bed on my stomach with me on my lap watching tv I can’t even walk out the door to the store without him screaming to the top of his lungs for me to take him 🫣

none of my kids have been like this wen I got pregnant with there siblings I love my cry baby but he didn’t want to bother with me from the day his dad first held him till now 😂