Worried, confuse


Hi everyone this is my 3 pregnancy, last weekend I had very bad vomiting and diarrhea but I thought that was normal, Tuesday I went to work and realized I was bleeding very bad with tissues coming out so I went to the emergency and they didn't see anything with ultrasound (no sac no baby). They told me maybe it's a miscarriage or it's too early. so I was scheduled for a 2 days beta hcg blood test to see if my numbers was going up or down. When I got my results a day after they said that my number was 915 and now it is 152 so I had a miscarriage 😔. I really wanted to do a ultrasound to see for my self.

They scheduled me for a follow-up appointment in one week which would be this Friday 25 to see if I would need a surgery to get all the tissue out.

I have been feeling movements in my body like my baby is still alive. I am praying for a miracle 🙏

Did any one went this or similar?