

Please don’t judge-I’m having a hard time with my quality of life.

Hi all, I’m in so much pain. I’m 34+5. I’ve been having false labor for the past ten days. Real painful contractions that’ll last for hrs but then stop. I’ve been to L&D twice. They have no explanation. Yesterday I went to L&D cause I was having abdominal pain and pelvic pain-outside of having contractions. Blood work and urine analysis shows infection but they said nothing about it. Sent me home. I stay home with my 18 month old daughter. I’m in so much pain-I also have SPD and can barely walk. I’ve been fighting depression and I’m already on anti depressants. I want this baby out. I’m tired of having contractions-I’m tired of being in pain. My daughter and family are suffering because of my depression. I also have gestational hypertension. I will be pushing for an induction at 37 weeks at my next appointment on Wednesday.

I had my daughter via induction at 37 weeks and she was completely healthy. Current baby is measuring 5 days ahead.