What are contractions feel like?? Am I having them!!??

So with my son who was born January 2021 I started to dilate very early 29weeks I never had contractions tho by 40weeks I was 4 1/2 cms dilated no labor to show and no contractions!! I was induced and by the time I was 7cms along I still had no contractions like the monitor showed nothing, I got IV Pitocin and that’s when I felt my thighs ripping apart and my lower abdominal was in horrendous pain they gave me my epidural at 8cms dilated to calm me as my son was going into distress and it didn’t help my nerves so I couldn’t focus so even then I never felt contractions. But I am now 31 weeks and at my 27week appointment I was 1cm no surprise as I dilated early with my son, well the last 4 days I have been having slimmy watery discharge as well as chunky sticky thick yellowish discharge last night there was spotting but the doctor said it was okay well today I have been having stapling pains in the area I circled and the lower middle back has a dull pain, well this last hour no matter if I’m walking or laying down my stomach will randomly get so hard I have to bend into it and it gets so tight( are these contractions?) I know it may sound stupid to ask but plz help and explain your contractions to me.