
Samantha • Mama to Leona Mae 08/12/19 and Gemma Lee 08/26/22 💜 Baby #3 due 08/20/24

I ordered 4 swimsuits off Amazon - a mixture of maternity and regular in a size up, and they’re all already tight. I needed new suits anyway, I just threw all my old ones away because they were worn - these will all fit me next summer not pregnant - but this summer with this growing bump I’m not confident they will fit much longer 🤣 I’m a teacher and spend lots of time outdoors/in pools in the summer. When I was pregnant with my daughter (august baby) being in the pool was my saving grace in the 100+ degree Indiana summer heat. Willing to spend a little more on a good maternity suit. Where should I look?

Maternity bottoms from amazon mixed with a top from a regular suit also amazon.
