Madison • Active Military ~ Girl Mom 🎀 ~ Step-Mom ~ 04/22•10/18

Well, never thought my delivery would go the way it did.

Water broke at 7:36 AM Sunday morning. No contractions started until around 9:00/9:30 AM. They started as light period cramps. Gradually grew to more intense period cramp feelings. Arrived as a 3 and 80% at 10:30 AM. Was able to progress to a 4 by 2:00 PM. They let me go until around 9:00 PM before we added Pitocin in. I had stalled to a 5 and my contractions were not consistent. Used the tub briefly. Had to get the epidural due to having 3 sets of contractions at a 1 min apart and then a 3-4 gap before 1 normal one and then a repeat of the set of 3. Took 10 min to place due to this.

Slept from Midnight until around 2:15 AM. Was dilated to a 9 and 100% at that point. By 3:45 I was a 10 and started pushing at 3:55 AM. I pushed for almost 5.5 hrs. She was not moving through the pelvis very well. Had to be vacuumed out (C-section was next on the list).

Samantha Lyn was born at 9:11 AM April, 4, 2022. Weighing 8 lb 15 oz and 21.5 inches. And mamma has a lovely 3rd degree tear (these are really no joke 😭)