My April Baby came in March!


My original due date was April 8th, but baby boy decided to come March 28th at 38 weeks instead.

On Sunday, March 27th I stood up out of bed and my water completely ruptured. All over the floor. NO signs of labor leading up to this point. I sat there on the phone with my OB as my waters continued to gush out and even though I had no contractions I made my way to L&D.

Once there they saw that my waters already had meconium in them. But I was only 1cm dilated so we just played the waiting game. By afternoon even though I was contracting I had made very little progress and since my waters had already been ruptured for 8+ hours they started me on pitocin. I started the real labor and gave birth to my sweet boy 22 hours later after pushing for 1.5 hours.
