A Birth that nearly ended in Death

Beth • 💙 4/2/2022 💕💕 baby number 2 EDD Aug 2024

I thought I’d share this to maybe help another first time mom. On March 29th we went to the hospital to be induced. After a long process we hit active labor on April 1st around 10:30pm and got to 10cm dilated around 5:30am on April 2nd. April 2nd at 5:53 am our son was born 19inches long weight 7lbs 7.4ounces

Around 8am April 2nd we get moved to recovery and so far everything is fine. Nurses doctors checking up on us. Well my doctor had to try using the bathroom every hour till I could go fully. It took 7hours for me to use the bathroom just to pee. Despite drinking loads of water it just wasn’t happening.

Now onto the fundal height exams the nurses started having problems checking as time progressed. And my pain kept getting worse. No one knew what was wrong. My swelling was going up despite resting. They had to give me IV pain meds the first night in recovery so I could get some sleep. Second night the pain got so bad I couldn’t sit. The only position comfortable was standing leaning forward against a wall and even then I was crying. They gave me a muscle relaxer just to be able to sit. I didn’t fall asleep because the pain was really bad.

We were discharged this early afternoon of 4/4. Got home and the pain was still there. On April 5th the pain is set to a 15 and my DH says We have to go to hospital. We get to hospital and get examined. Time for ultrasound and now we know what’s wrong. My bladder had 4000ml of fluid in it. That’s 4liters. Was told surprised it hadn’t ruptured. Immediately went from what’s wrong to admit her. Morphine shots and I’m just laying there in bed.

If any of you ladies start having stomach pain a lot and it gets worse. Ask them for an ultrasound. Got to transport ultratoilet pain