Increasing my fitness at 40+ weeks


We had a preterm labor scare at 34 weeks. I took 3 weeks off from my normal workout routine to make sure baby would cook. At 37 weeks I went back to easy stuff (mostly long walks). At 39 weeks, I dialed back up to normal. I’m now at 40+4 and doc doesn’t want me to go past 41. I now do an hour on the stair stepper 5/7 days. I walk over 3 miles per day. Do the “activating labor workout” 2X daily. My resting heart rate can now dip below 50! I haven’t been this fit since my early 20’s when I was running sub-6minute miles. All this walking that’s supposedly suppose to kick start labor has not done that but man am I feeling fit and ready for the fight! ❤️❤️❤️