
I'm so sick of moms being against each other! If it's not about circumcision, it's about breastfeeding versus formula, cloth diapering over disposable, vaccines and anti vaccines. It's so frustrating! When will it ever end! I don't judge other moms for their parenting decisions, I wish some would stop judging me. Yes, I circumcised my son because I thought it was best for his health, yes I formula feed because breastfeeding didn't work out, no I do not co sleep (my son was in his own crib at 3 weeks and has been sleeping through the night since 2 months old!) yes I vaccinate because I feel it's important. It might not work for some people but it works for us and that's what matters. It's a shame how much moms seem to be against each other. We all love our children and are trying to do the best we can for them, and that is enough.