Disciplining toddler:



so we are currently staying with my FIL for a week or two until we can get deposits for utilities for the home we are renting and he watches our son sometimes

Well we have different opinions on disciplining children but I look past it, BUT I drove down the road to the trailer we are renting (literally 15 feet away) and he watched the baby until I got back (and he can get wild) but I came back and he had him sitting in his high chair and the baby was babbling wanting down and he said "no you're being mean' ( and this rubbed me the wrong way a lot and I took him out) and my FIL was like "you're getting him out of jail" and I said "yeah, I don't like forcing him to sit somewhere as a form of punishment" (HES ONLY 19. MONTHS OLD so he isn't going to understand anything like that) and I took him to the room we are staying in.

Now he's talking to my husband in private probably about something I did he didn't like (I've cleaned his house and everything since we've been here because it's nasty and I wanted to help) but apparently he has to control everything. Now my husband will come to me telling me not to do this or this to make his dad mad and will take his side and at this point I don't give a fuck

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It can be difficult to share a home with someone. Since this is only for a short time I would just suggest you try not to have him watch the baby anymore. Even though it’s not ideal be sure to continue to show your appreciation for him allowing your family into his home. Soon you’ll be able to have a much better relationship. Good luck