Is an hour to myself too much to ask?

Meagan • Have a happy day. 😄

I'm a SAHM with a 2½ year old and a 3 month old. I try to keep things clean during the day, but obviously that's not always possible, especially since my 3mo hates to be put down and I can't baby wear due to back issues and not being able to see around him if I do. I spend all day with someone on me, next to me, or under my feet. Be it toddler, baby, cat, or dog. Someone is always glued to me. So, when I need a bit of time to myself I try to sequester myself in our bedroom. I close the door, and try to ignore everyone. Inevitably though, within fifteen minutes someone is bagging on the door, or my husband is walking in with all four of them in tow.

I don't want to get mad, because that makes it seem like I don't want them around or I'm angry and aside from my husband none of them understand that sometimes I don't want to be touched, but sometimes I get overwhelmed and need to get away and I just feel like I'm not allowed to. It's gotten to the point that the shower and toilet are my place to hide. I get it. I'm mom. I'm everything to most of my household, but fuck..... I just need a break.

I don't really need advise here. I'm just venting but thanks for listening.