Seeing a consultant & physicist..

Beth • 20🙋🏼 - engaged 💍 - ballet & dance 👯 - pregnant with my first 👶🏼 - my baby boy is due 10/02/2016 👣💙
This is my first baby and I'm currently 32+4 pregnant, I saw my midwife a few days ago and told her that I was terrified of giving birth. I'm only 5ft2 and not tooting my own horn but I'm pretty skinny I only have a belly that's all I weighed 7 stone before, I said to her that I would much rather have a c csection then give birth. I can't watch one born every minute the look of birth makes me physically sick and I get myself worked up over the thought of it. My midwife said to me that she is sending me too see a women at 35 weeks to talk about it and if she thinks it's the best thing for me that I can go see a consultant. Any advice from women who was in the same boat?