how can I go about rekindling my friendship with my best friend?


So it’s really a long story about why we even stopped talking in the first place, and honestly some parts are still a bit complicated to me. She didn’t like me dating this guy that she thought was no good for me. She had her reasons which I won’t deny but he has done a lot to make up to me what he did. It was my decision to forgive him and get back together with him, she obviously didn’t like this and we stopped talking for a while. It makes me sad bc I didn’t wanna choose between them, I love them both like best friends, and I’ve chosen to forgive him and give him another chance. So at the End of the day it is my choice.. A couple months passed by and we started talking a lil bit more, she came over to my house one day saying she just had a mental breakdown with some guy so obviously I tried to comfort her, but as I was trying to give her advice, I felt she didn’t take me seriously or listen to any of it, so I felt she just wanted to rant about shit she could change but didn’t want to, like being an alcoholic. I know it’s probably hard, I can’t say from experience, but I practically begged her to slow down on the alcohol. I guess we’re both stubborn cus she didn’t listen, but somewhere along the line I thought she was being fake, and I ended up blocking her on everything, I’m not happy about it, and I’m not happy about wanting her back after what I did, but It’s been almost a year and I still miss her so much. We were friends for so many years before this bullshit boyfriend drama. And I just wish we could still be. But idk how to go about talking to her again. Idk what to say. So I’m curious if any of you that read this have had something similar happen with a best friend, and how you went about talking to her or him again. I did a tarot reading yesterday on Beltane and the cards talked about reconciliation and unity, I took this as a sign we could maybe rekindle our friendship. If anyone could give me any advice I would truly genuinely appreciate it. Thank you for your time. 💗