So fed up

Sorry in advance for the rant...

I'm due my new baby in 3 days, its 1am here and I am so tired of my Oct 2019 baby crying in the night, he's been up for an hour now and I'm so fed up of this happening every night.

Even if he does settle soon it will only be for an hour then he will be up again 🤦‍♀️

Genuinely don't know how I'm going to cope when new baby is born, what do I do when the baby comes and I'm trapped under the boob for a half hour feed and my 2 year old is screaming at his stair gate for attention.

Has anyone got any advice on how to sleep train a 2.5 year old. At my wits end, I'm at a total loss.

I've been doing immediate return to bed as soon as he starts crying then 1 minute later the crying starts again.

He doesn't nap in the day, bed time is 7pm. Feel like I'm doing something wrong that I can't get him to sleep. He's always been like this, I'm just exhausted and anxious about how I will manage with 2 children!