Lovey/comfort object


Does your baby have a lovey/stuffed animal/blanket/something that they find comfort in?

My mom brought up thay my baby doesn't have one and I always thought that if baby needs it, it happens naturally? Not saying a baby needs it, but my baby doesn't nap independently (except in the stroller) and wakes up multiple times per night, so I thought maybe it could help to introduce a comfort object?

I know they shouldn't have anything in their bed, but don't know if it's worth it to try for supervised naps.

He also has troubles falling asleep in his crib (thankfully going on 3 weeks without having to take him out of his bed during bed time routine to calm him, but sometimes he only calms down when I lay down with him in his crib).

I feel bad that he doesn't have a great sleep and want to help him - and us obviously :(