Would you be mad at your husband

if from the beginning you talked and were strict about having no one else in the delivery room but he ended up letting his mom be there ? 
my experience: it's going to be long bare with me. My mom and grandma wanted to be in the delivery room and so did his mom, his mom was a total bitch to me all the time btw so of course I didn't want her there. So anyways a week before I gave birth we talked about it again and he was the one that was strict and said no one was allowed to be in the delivery room so I told my mom and grandma they couldn't be there, they were upset but told me they respected my decision. Anyways, he totally went against what we said, he called his mom and told her I had been having contractions for almost 2 days already she told him to take me to get checked and to stop by her house and pick her up, I didn't say anything but I was annoyed I didn't think I was going to stay because the contractions weren't so bad and I didn't even know they were real contractions. When we went the nurse told me I had to stay because I was having my baby that day. They took me into a labor room and my husband said "can I get my mom? " she said yeah that 3 people including the dad were allowed. Okay so (I got admitted at 12) they spent the night and left around 11 . I was happy they left and told the nurse I only wanted my husband there, she said she would tell the front desk nurse(I guess she forgot to) anyways, my husband left to eat with his mom cause she came back and when I told him it was time for me to push he came in with his mom and the nurse asked who we wanted there I said "just my husband" and my husband said " NO, my mom wants to be here" I said okay whatever. So She was there for my birth . I was really pissed deep inside, I literally felt like I hated him, I ended up telling my nurse to kick his mom out the day we were getting discharged and when he came to drop off the car seat, we got into an argument because his mom wanted us to stay at her house for a month. I refused and he started screaming at me saying i'm stupid and know nothing about having a kid. So I told him to leave he said "so you don't want me to be with my daughter" I said no we don't need you leave now! A nurse came in and escorted him out. He had came back the next day to see us and we started living together again at our house were still together obviously were married, and i'm scated to go through this again because i'm pregnant again. He didn't even give me my phone to call my parents after birth when I kept asking for it. I wanted to tell them my baby was born, my grandma had to call him . Also, his mom invited her husband and kids into the room right after I delivered. I feel as if this time I have to tell my MIL personally she is not welcomed 

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