I see a lot of posts about bleeding from implanting and I think it makes others think it’s super common..

I don’t normally post much, just scan the forum and I’ve seen how spotting midcycle is way common, and everybody thinks it’s from implanting, which I get probably makes them hopeful but the reality isn’t so positive I should say. To say it’s from implantation is just basically a conjecture if you will. I think everyone should know that there are many many different things that could happen within our bodies that could cause spotting, and although common, it’s not normal and not really something you should look at as far as being a sign. Just pay attention to anything abnormal or different I should say. Sometimes the Cervix bleeds, sometimes cysts burst and fluid is expelled, and that could contain blood, sometimes hormonal changes can cause spotting. There’s a lot of different causes that have been jotted down in the books for a long time now, and everyone wants implanting bleeding to be a good sign or they want it to be the cause of their bleeding period, but it’s likely not, and it’s still up in the air if you will.