Anyone TTC with Struggles? 😓


So we had Chase 10/1/19…he’s amazing! He’s so damn good! He is OBSESSED with his mama! We tried 10 months for him…now we are on month 10 with our future baby. We are both 32. It’s really getting to me, I didn’t want them too far apart. Anyone else experiencing this?

Im annoyed, distraught, just over it. Like wtf?!

Here’s our OPK this month…with ❤️ on sex days. We used OPK to conceive Chase, but now I’m thinking it was just luck 🤦🏼‍♀️

Here’s my best friend 💙 I come from a family of 4 and def don’t want our son to be an only child! Especially in todays world, nobody should be alone…damn am I emotional 🥹