Strip club trip possible extras ended relationship

So basically my (now ex) boyfriend at the time went to a strip club last October and lied about it. This started a fight in itself because prior to this (about four months back) I expressed to him that he COULD go to strip clubs, as long as he communicated with me beforehand that he is going. This in itself caused me to be a bit unsure due to the fact that he lied to me regardless of the fact. I got the whole “I didn’t get a dance or anything” speech. Months later, I find a transaction from Venmo from that SAME night paying a girl who worked at the club $270, and she commented on the Venmo transaction that it was nice to meet him, hopefully they see each other, and that the transaction would be private to the public (another huge red flag). Everything tied together for me because I had noticed he had followed this same girl on Instagram. His excuse was that it was for a “massage” (because this girl was a massage girl at the club) and that was solely it. I called b******* because it was not adding up, that is expensive for a massage (i have never even paid that much at a real massage place). At this point he has lied multiple times in this scenario. I tried to stay and work past this for two months, but in my heart I knew I did not receive the full truth, and could not even allow myself to get close to him like I was before, so I ended the 4 year relationship. Although I know this is for the best, I still question myself for some reason and beat myself up day in and day out in my head about this scenario. Basically I came in here to rant because I don’t talk about it much, but was my intuition correct/did I do the correct thing? It still hurts but I had to walk away to take back control of my life and realize my worth.