5 month old startling in sleep a lot?

Rebecca • Wife💍 Harrisons mommy 🥰 TTC baby #2

This just started tonight but my son is 5 months old and is startling a ton in his sleep tonight. Every 10-15 minutes he startles himself awake and then soothes himself back to sleep. Its worrying me because 4 days ago he rolled off the couch and hit his head on our vinyl flooring. We took him to the hospital immediately and he was deemed ok but now he keeps startling awake? I could totally be overthinking it but could it be related? His startle reflex is basically gone so this is abnormal for him.

Ill add he did miss a nap today because he just wouldnt nap (we tried) and was very grumpy and at times almost inconsolable. He was overtired. We also spent all evening outside around his loud rambunctious cousins and he wasnt in his normal environment at all. Hes eating normally (actually had an extra bottle today) and seemed otherwise himself. Maybe just a bit more grumpy. Could it be related to the fall or is this normal? Could it be part of the sleep regression? He KIND OF had it at 4 months but not really. Last night he woke up ready to party at 4am when usually he sleeps from 8:30pm-6:30am.