How much do you think caregivers deserve to get paid

I make $11/hr . In companies website new comers will make $12/hr . I was told they’ll talk about my pay increase next month for my annual review and I was thinking of asking for $17/hr . I’ve been with the company on and off since 18 (I’m 22 now) only reasons why I left was because my hours would get cut because my client will pass away or something . I promise ANY client I have ever had since I started with this company LOVED me , there was clients who only wanted me and if I left the company then they left the company , I’m always on time or barely call off only if it has to deal with my kids . We shop for these people , we bath them and do the whole hygiene stuff, we clean their houses and cook for them , we take them to appointments (or anywhere else they need to go) we are their companions, and majority of the time we are all these people have because they’re family don’t come around often . We feed some and change some . We are their physical therapist and take care of their bed wounds when the nurse doesn’t come . And the client I have now is bid ridden so she cannot really take care of her dogs so us caregivers feed the dogs , let the dogs out , sometime walk the dogs .. we do so much but get paid the least and sometimes this job can be a lot mentally . I don’t want to overdo it and ask for a lot but I do want to get paid my worth .