Hope this ain’t confusing

Im pretty sure my life is a mess. Let me explain. Im currently at my baby daddy’s house. I took a nap for like 45 mins from 8:15 pm till about 8:59 pm. My plan was to get up and watch the season finale of ‘This is us’

So I got up and went to continue on with my plan. I watched it live on tv tonight. Normally I watch it on Hulu on Wednesdays. Which happens to be tomorrow. Anyways, I go to do it and my baby daddy wants to watch it. He’s never seen a single episode of this show in his entire life. Then I turned off the tv since I figured I would be by myself. I deserve to do something alone. He got all bent out of shape, says he’s done with me, says my baby is a mistake and I need to get walking. I have a car, but it’s currently getting the air conditioning fixed at a shop so technically I’m carless at this moment in time. I’ve had 2 baby showers with my families, one side of the family lives in a different part of the state, the other side lives closer nearby. However my family has gotten a lot of things for my baby, I’ve been donated things I have accumulated a bunch of stuff for my baby. All on my own. Used my resources. Long story short I brought almost damn near everything over to his house so if I’m meant to “walk away” at 35 weeks with no car means I loose out on everything I have contributed to this child. Which in turn makes me look like an unfit mother if I have nothing, according to the courts in my state. He is trying to make me look unfit, it’s a 40 minute drive from his house to any of my families home where I would even go. He wants to take my baby away from me, I feel like that is the goal. He’s fine one minute then snaps at me the next. Im sorry if this is confusing to you, I’m trying to use my best grammar and English for it to all make sense. Granted I’m not perfect. Anyways I’m just out here trying to do the best I can with what I have been given. If he doesn’t want to be with me, he doesn’t need to keep everything I have brought to his house, he can be mature pack up everything of mine and take me to my moms house. That’s what a man would do. Not some heartless person who is spiteful leaving me with nothing I have to raise my son with absolutely nothing. Im not sure what he expects is to have these fits, stress me out and expect me to stick around and deal with it. I don’t get it, and I’m sure you all are confused like normal but like I said, I’ve tried explaining everything I can in a way that makes sense to me.

Update: no it’s not about another female. I have told this dude time and time again if it was about another female leave me and go for it. That girl can claim her prize. Mood disorder sounds more reasonable to me. Im not trapping him or anything he can be with who he wants, depending on who is how he might not be seeing his son. If he’s with a drug addict, stuff like that will be an issue in child custody court because I refuse to let a criminal or addict around my child.

Ahhh this started so long ago about the show. The show wasn’t the problem. The problem stems deeper then the show, the show is just icing on a cake!