question about my son!!

Okay so I’m completely lost on what to do. We are in the process of finding a new pediatrician because ours never returns messages that’s why I’m on here asking you guys question almost daily 😅

My son just turned 3 months old. He has started drinking 6 ounces but this past week in a half he’s been wanting 6 ounces every 2 hours! He shows no hunger signs at all and never has he goes straight to screaming but is always fine after a bottle. Today he started screaming around 12. I was gone for a couple hours so his dad gave him 6 ounces, not even 2 hours later he was back screaming again so his dad gave him another 6 ounces. When I came home (30 mins after he ate) he was back screaming crying. I gave him gas drops and tylenol and he continued to scream and cry to the point he wasn’t even taking breaths so I gave him a bottle and he went to sleep shortly. He woke up a couple hours later and is back crying screaming even right after a 6 ounce bottle. He hasn’t ran a fever all day and im just losing my mind cause idk what to do and I hate seeing him cry like this. Any suggestions or anyone been through this before??