Am I Wrong?


So my bd & I co parent but since my baby is so young (3months now) some days he stays over at my apartment. He works third shifts and for the past days he’s been getting off work at 7am and coming over to my apartment to help. I let him sleep when he gets here and I take care of our baby. My baby is teething so he keeps me up all night long. But I know my bd has been at working all night so I figure the least I can do is let him rest first. So it’s currently almost 2:30 here and I’m ready for my break as well. I’m sleepy and tired. I go to wake him up and he yells at me and says this is ridiculous all I’m trying to do is sleep. I told him okay and I leave the room but then u realized it’s not fair that he’s been over here everyday every week and I feel like he hasn’t helped much at all. So I go back in and I tell him I need him to take the baby I am tired. And he gets a whole attitude with me but takes the baby. Am I wrong? It’s like since he’s been here yes it’s nice for him to help but he’ll hold the baby and play the game and when the baby is crying he says he can’t do nothing yet cuz he’ll die in the game so I end up taking him cuz I’m not going to sit here while my baby is crying. Or last night I asked him to cut the chicken off the thighs for the dinner I was making and he goes in and starts and then tells me there is no point of cutting this chicken because it’s all fat so I gave him the baby so I can do it then the baby is crying in his arms and he doesn’t know how to console him or when I try to help him he gets an attitude with me so as I’m cutting the chicken I stop wash my hands calm the baby down continue cutting then repeat this process. I feel tired and emotional. But I need help. I mean the times where he does have our child and the child is okay and not crying for even 5 minutes is all I crave. But I feel like he doesn’t care about my feelings at all. When I tell him how I feel all he says is “okay and what am I suppose to say in response”. As much as I wanted help I think it’s not worth me being miserable. I think I’m going to ask him to leave today and come back another day. I’m breastfeeding my baby but I pump as well so sometimes he can have him at his place but he doesn’t wake up until 3-4pm and he sleeps through the babies cries. He goes back to work at 10pm. It’s just kinda tiring. I start my work from home position soon and I know that no matter what I’m going to have to do both. I’m just tired. My baby is the most calmest baby ever and literally barely cries. He sleeps all night long but for the past week since he’s been teething all he does it cry. I have stuff to help with it today