Bottle fed baby help!


Just wondering if anyone else is/has experienced this (will be talking to health visitor on monday)

My LB is 7 weeks old tomorrow and for the past few days he's been taking smaller amounts of formula and not been sleeping during the day! We feed on demand so a bottle is offered whenever he wants one however he's only been drinking around 90ml each bottle, wanting a bottle around every 2hours (he used to be finishing a full 150ml on most feeds and going 3-4hours before this) - he goes much longer on a night and sometimes will sleep for 5 hours before waking for a bottle, the other night he went 6 hours and slept from 12am til 6am.

I've noticed these last 2 days in particular hes been extra fussy with wind and seems uncomfortable after (and sometimes during) a feed. Weve tried giving him some infacol to help with wind, which works with releasing his wind, weve tried changing the teat to the next size up as he appeared to be getting bored and really sucking hard at the teat. We havent changed his bottles however as hes been using the same ones since he was born and has never indicated there was an issue. Is he just cluster feeding during the day, with the added 6 week growth spurt and peak of fussiness?

We've also noticed he's often quite difficult to get to sleep (and stay asleep longer than half an hour) during the day, sometimes he's awake 3+ hours before he'll sleep again To only be asleep for 20 mins 🥺. To help soothe him to sleep we offer a dummy and white noise. Weve taken him for walks in the pram, in the car, in his moses basket with the blind down so its cool and dark and even having him on me and trying to rock/bounce him.

Please tell me this is just part of his growth spurt😫 I'm not sure what else to try but i feel like this last week he's just gone backwards