Postpartum OCD?

Rebecca • Wife💍 Harrisons mommy 🥰 TTC baby #2

Hey ladies. To anyone who has suffered from Postpartum OCD does this sound like it could be it? Im obviously not looking on here for a diagnosis and plan to bring all of this up to both my GP and my therapist but my husband brought this up last night to me and it kind of makes sense.

Heres a back story. I have officially been diagnosed with Postpartum Depression and severe Postpartum Anxiety by my GP and a mental health nurse. I am currently unmedicated due to a previous misdiagnosis of bipolar when i was a teenager. Im in the works of getting that removed from my chart so i can get on medication that will help me. I see a psychiatrist for another evaluation in July. Apparently almost all anxiety and depression meds that allow you to function can intesify bipolar so they refuse to prescribe me anything as of now.

Anyway, the reason we think it could possibly be OCD is i get very particular about aspects of my sons routine. Especially his bed time routine. If his nose isn't suctioned BEFORE his D drop is given and if he isnt specifically in a sleeper and not a onesie and he isnt read exactly 2 books i feel like something bad is going to happen. I also refuse for anyone to put him in this one particular puppy sleeper because i saw a video of a baby who died of sids wearing it and i think if my son wears it he will also die of sids. Ive never been a superstitious person so this is definitely out of character for me. I get visibly upset if anything is out of order and get so anxious that its hard to sleep and i will think about it constantly. Does this sound like normal PPA or could it be PP OCD?