8yrs Unexplained infertility


So me and my husband have been married for eight years we started to try to have a family this whole time we’ve seen multiple fertility doctors all of them diagnosed us with unexplained inFertility everything is perfect with me doctors even told me I’m supposed to have twins or triplets and everything is perfect with him we had 5 failed medicated (clomid and femera) IUIs even though I ovulate and release on my own, we are trying to do <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> in the next few months it’s just very expensive, this month I have used preseed and will continue to use Preseed I am also taking prenatals because I’ve heard that can help I track in time my intercourse and ovulation, I know God‘s timing is perfect but I am losing my mind has anyone been in my situation and had a family naturally or through treatments? if so what did anyone do differently Anything helps at this point